We have 6m³ trucks and 8m³ trucks.
With the correct mix design, our products can be used in a wide variety of applications. Our technical division can provide you with advice and we can work with Consulting Engineers or technical staff to design the most ideally suited and economic mix for your project.
Please get in touch with us in order for us to supply you with a quotation for collection with your own truck.
You can get in touch with us, using:
AfriSam Customer Service (Head Office) & General Enquiries
Tel: 0860 141 141 / 011 670 5500
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0860 200 500 / 011 670 5777
Tel: 0800 313 151 / 031 460 9000
Tel: 021 521 6000
AfriSam is a proud Level 2 Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) contributor as declared by SIYANDISA Verification Solutions. Over the years we have made a concerted effort to improve our BBBEE status, through our initiatives on socio-economic development, enterprise development and equity ownership.
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